Everything in this world revolves around the concept of relativity. Each concept in this world is relative to something or the other. It would never make any sense to any of us if we don't try to relate to what one is speaking unless we understand what would the correlated concept is all about.For instance, We can know what Love is only if we know what hatred is about. You cannot learn what intelligence is unless you know what unintelligent and dumb is. One cannot understand the concept of happiness unless we know what being unhappy or pain is.
Everything in this world is about understanding the concept of relativity. It is very important for us to understand that understanding that everything cannot be defined as a stand alone concept but needs another concept just like a jade plant needs support to crawl and grow. The irony is that we keep forgetting that we are the most supreme form of living beings and we should not be forgetting what the other person is going through. It is not necessary for us to understand what each other is going through in this world. Everyone reacts to the way they have been conditioned since childhood, with their experiences. Now we can talk of what I have been trying to focus on - Being Right or Wrong...Everyone acts in a certain way... It depends upon their understanding and their ability to look at anything in particular. For instance, what I say is right, may be right for me. It is not necessary that it would be right for someone else, because no one has lived the life that I have been living. Everyone is happy, and everyone is in pain, simultaneously. However, It depends upon us to choose what makes us happy, and I guess the only thing that makes one happy is the ability to be themselves and to respect their feelings and their choices. Whenever anyone has done this in their life, they have been happy for most of the time and that has ensured that people around will most probably be happy. I don't know what happiness is about, I don't know what being right or wrong is about, all I know is that I know what I think is right, and even if the whole world is against my thinking about what I feel is right, I wills till continue to believe in what I believe and will make sure that I will be living by the principles that I set for myself. May be what I feel right is, is wrong to everyone, does it really matter?
For a change, why cant people think of the person and forget what the do's and dont's, rights and wrongs?
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Everything in this world is about understanding the concept of relativity. It is very important for us to understand that understanding that everything cannot be defined as a stand alone concept but needs another concept just like a jade plant needs support to crawl and grow. The irony is that we keep forgetting that we are the most supreme form of living beings and we should not be forgetting what the other person is going through. It is not necessary for us to understand what each other is going through in this world. Everyone reacts to the way they have been conditioned since childhood, with their experiences. Now we can talk of what I have been trying to focus on - Being Right or Wrong...Everyone acts in a certain way... It depends upon their understanding and their ability to look at anything in particular. For instance, what I say is right, may be right for me. It is not necessary that it would be right for someone else, because no one has lived the life that I have been living. Everyone is happy, and everyone is in pain, simultaneously. However, It depends upon us to choose what makes us happy, and I guess the only thing that makes one happy is the ability to be themselves and to respect their feelings and their choices. Whenever anyone has done this in their life, they have been happy for most of the time and that has ensured that people around will most probably be happy. I don't know what happiness is about, I don't know what being right or wrong is about, all I know is that I know what I think is right, and even if the whole world is against my thinking about what I feel is right, I wills till continue to believe in what I believe and will make sure that I will be living by the principles that I set for myself. May be what I feel right is, is wrong to everyone, does it really matter?
For a change, why cant people think of the person and forget what the do's and dont's, rights and wrongs?
You know what my boy? Thoughts like these, are the harbingers, to the birth of a Ghazal-er! ;)
but really ...yes people are conditioned since their childhood..and one has to keep his/her own thoughts at bay...and then try to understand someone...where he/she is coming from.... then u have very contradicting emotions out there...how can one stick with his/her own rights/wrongs and then say that he/she is understanding the person in question?
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