October 15, 2008

Milk in a garment MBO

I came across a consumer who drives all the way to a multi brand outlet (MBO) Brand Factory outlet located in the outskirts of Bangalore to buy Slim Milk.

What makes the consumer go to a garment MBO to buy milk? It is the variety that the store has to offer to the consumer. Having enough time on hands, the consumer can visit a MBO and ensure that all the needs are satisfied. Ever wondered why a shopping mall has a photo studio? Why does a pharmacy store sell coffee and tea sachets? Why does a retail store has a floor dedicated as a food court?

A consumer wants to spend time in the retail outlet. Going through 120 brands in a single MBO takes a lot of time, and the number of footfalls in the store determine the sale in the outlet. The more the footfalls, the more is the possiblility of a sale. Window shoppers constitute most of the sale in a retail outlet. You walk into a retail outlet and it is upto the retailer to ensure that the consumers are induced to buy a product. No matter how small the purchase is, the consumer is bound to revisit the store if the experience is worth it. Revisits mean more footfalls, often with different people, which means a possibility of more footfalls in the future.

Retail is a single word for visits, experience, moments of truth, and word-of-mouth. The better it is, the more the business. Retail has come a long way in India. However, Indian retail has a long way to cover. IBM with Bharati Retail (a joint venture of Wal-Mart and Bharati retail)has signed up a contract for technology and services and solutions.

Organised retail in India is catching up fast. MBOs and EBOs (Exclusive Brand Outlets) may be a different take for retailers. We still have a long way to catch up with mom-and-pop stores in the grocery category. Sphere: Related Content

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