October 15, 2008

Media coverage

I was watching the interview covering Sonu's death on TimesNow last night. The home journalists have their complaints against the politicians, the government, the army, everything that they possibly can.

A remarkable statement made by a senior journalist in the special episode , "According to me, the media is at a fault. Why is it that the media does not cover issues of open borewell before an accident? Why is it glorified after the death of a child in it? What were the parents doing when a 2 year old was near the open borewell?"

Perfect question. No answers from the channel which hosted the show. Are news channel trying to work up on 'spicy' news? Why is it that news like Amitabh Bacchan getting admitted in a hospital a big news and a special coverage by media such a hit? Is this the only way of increasing the TRPs? Why is it that news like Khali the wrestler in WWE, is highlighted so much so that media channels cover an hour coverage of his celebrating Holi in India? Does it matter to anyone if he buys a property in Punjab? Who would want to know about his love story and his spouse?

It's high time that the media gears up and focuses on issues that are of more importance and not just issues of public sympathy and opinion.

Why can't we have media which is responsible in bringing up issues of importance? Can't we have media working on something that is instrumental in making lives better, can't we have media working on something that acts as an impetus towards making the economy better? Is this what survival of the fittest make of a media group? An old adage said, "The newspaper always covers all the news in the world every single day". Is this what media is all about?

What makes the media channels telecast issues like this? The fact that they have their consumers glued to their channels by showing 'special programs' like these? The more the merrier, works best in a social group, not in competition I guess. Grow up media... You have a long way to go... Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

Mrunal said...

media needs money... n AB generates it.. y bother abt open borewells n other stuff...???