March 15, 2010

When truth meets belief...

Indeed, believing in their god because of faith is treated as a virtue, something which we should be willing to do instead of insisting on rational arguments and empirical evidence. Because this faith is contrasted with knowledge, and in particular the sort of knowledge we develop through reason, logic, and evidence, then this sort of theism cannot be said to be based upon knowledge. People believe, but through faith, not knowledge. If they really do mean that they have faith and not knowledge, then their theism must be described as a type of agnostic theism.

A vast majority of people are the ones who fall under this category - the agnostic theists. I think I started my journey into the world of theology as an iconoclast, although I used to 'pray' to the God like my mother would expect me to. I am glad I differed...

People are so parochial, they never search for knowledge. They just follow...

Tamanna, Thank you for sharing your status... It was a learning... Sphere: Related Content


Tamanna said...


Tamanna said...

And yes, most people do follow. No matter how much I try, I can't rationalize the quick prayer I say before I leave home every morning, and it's ONLY a habit cultivated over years in a catholic school and living with my extremely religious mother. And though I can't rationalize, I can't even stop saying that habitual prayer that I actually made up in class 8. LOL!

Ashutosh Sundaram said...

What I like is that you know that it is habitual.... Some people dont accept it is habitual...

and the prayer of your 8th class part was really cute... :)