October 8, 2008

Gender equality using a car

Now is the time to fight against any injustice...

Iran's state run company Iran Khodro, plans to launch an all-women's car in June next year. What's different about this? Mars vs. Venus again. Women like 'feminine colors' (Remember that Pink color of Zen Estilo) and hence the car will be painted in those colors. Also, interiors would be different on the preferences of female consumers. To add to the driving comfort, it would be an auto-transmission vehicle, with alarms for flat tyres and with a jack that ensures that women would not be soiling their chodor while changing the tyres. Find out why females like pink and men like blue...

Gender discrimination is one of the major issues in Iran, although 60% of the student population in the universities are consitituted by women. A study shows that working women in Iran believe that domestic chores should be distributed equally. Lets hope that this car drives some sense in the men from the country that they are to be treated equal.

This is an example of an innovation not just because of the needs and wants, it's also an innovation to show that differences have to be respected and accepted as are. The women can now tell their spouse that the world has just started to respond to their preferences, and will continue to do so. Happy driving ladies. Sphere: Related Content

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