August 25, 2008

Teaser Campaigns

With Idea Cellular launching the World's largest single-city launch on Aug 20th, which focuses on the uniqueness of Mumbai, teaser campaigns is the happening thing in the world of advertising. Just before this was AEGON's launch with Irfan Khan's questioning Kya aap K.I.L.B. ke shikaar hai?. DNA also set it's foot in Bangalore for it's launch through a teaser campaign.
The hoardings read, 'Yeh Delhi ki hain, Mumbai ki nahin', 'Yeh Hyderabad ka hai, Mumbai ka nahin', 'Yeh Calcutta ki hai, Mumbai ki nahi', 'Yeh Punjab Ka hai, Mumbai ka nahin'... Upon asking a lot of mumbaikars when I was visiting Mumbai, I got a variety of answers. The localites said it is something about a family soap that would be shown on the television. Some said it is a teaser about a coffee joint or a chain of restaurant which originated in Mumbai and they are trying to focus on reviving the same. Idea rolled out a campaign through which the identity of the person would be their phone number. No regional discrimination - The sense of belongingness towards Mumbai, and will be using a Idea's Mumbai number. It is similar to the Abhishek Bacchan's ad heading the village and everyone was named by the phone number they use.
Some argue that Teaser Campaigns are the best way to spend excessively and get no results out of it. The reason teaser campaigns are in place are because of the reason that it has to create anxiety among consumers. Just like any other badly planned advertisements, these campaigns can fail too. But as long as the ad - with the product is positioned in the consumers' mind, recall is achieved. Mission accomplished.
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Unknown said...

good look at teasers.. i think they should be well planned to get the desired effect..

Ashutosh Sundaram said...

Hello Vamshi,
Certainly. Teaser planning is an important step in ensuring that they succeed in the execution part. You would want to read up on the link that I have in my blog.

Sandeep Balan said...

"With Idea Cellular launching the World's largest single-city launch of it's advertisement Aug 23rd"...a terrible goof up friend...i plead that you need to read the articles before posting something on a public forum. It was billed as the worlds largest single city launch on the basis of its network(1000 cell sites) and not its advertisement...the date of launch was Aug 20th and not Aug 23rd bro...

Ashutosh Sundaram said...

Hello Sandeep,
Thank you for correcting the mistake. I appreciate it.