February 3, 2010

India welcomes Shelf Placements

"Traditionally, “eye-level shelving” is best, followed by “waist-level” , “knew-level” and ankle-level” . It is near impossible to locate all the items at eye-level and store experience have proved that consumer responses to shelf locations depend upon such other factors as the product package size, whether or not its being advertised, its need for visibility and intended market segment. " Brand Equity, Economic Times

My favorite aspect of retail is shelf placement. I am stuck with awe each time I visit a new mall, retail store, or even a pop and mom store in the vicinity. Planogram, as it is technically called, is the visual representation of how the brands would like their placements to be stacked inside a retail store. Category managment is also another name given to the science of shelfing the products.

I am glad it is now taking a serious shape in Indian Retail. However, Will shelf placement actually matter to a price-sensitive consumer? Is there a science really behind shelf placements in countries like India, where retail is primarily unorganised?

My views:

Shelf placements will not matter to the consumer unless the buy is a high-involvment product. For a customer to be engaged in the buying-decision, stores will have to ensure that they either make the products high-involvement one or place candies and nutrition bars next to the POS to gain through impulse buing. Sphere: Related Content

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